Sunday, April 30, 2017

Turing machine

Hi, in this post I will talk about Turing machines, beacuse that is what we have been learning lately in class. How they work, what they are and their main concepts are some of the topics I will explain with a mindmap done with mindomo. In this mindomo I will also explain about the architecture of V. Neumann. In class we have been seeing videos that explain Turing machines and CPU and that is where I took the information that will appear in this post. I will also insert text and images to fully answer the main question of this exercise.

This is my Mindmap.

This is how Turing machines work.

This is a CPU.

This is the V. Neumann architecture.

This is a prototype of a turing machine,

Turing machines as Concept Block

Section 1 and 4

Hi! today I wanna talk about what my classmates and I were talking in our last informatic class and that was: what is a Turing machine? and how does it works?.

To say it in simple words is an A Turing machine is a hypothetical machine, it can simulate ANY computer algorithm, no matter how complicated it is.

 It consists of an infinitely-long tape which acts like the memory in a typical computer. The squares on the tape are usually blank at the start and can be written with symbols, in this case, the machine can only process the symbols 0 and 1.

Section 2 and 3

Turing machines as concept block

Made by: Camila Morón and Vivian Bethke

Turing Machines are powerful devices, they can mathematical 
describe any operation any modern computer can perform. Turing Machines can definitly describe any operation, but not every conceibable operation is concived in a Turing Machine. They can find applications in matemathics and computer science as powerful, yet simple explanatory tools. One of the most important parts from a Turing Machine is the one called tape, the tape is infinite and divided in numbers of cells. Each cell have a symbol that can be read by the machine. ceros and ones are the characters that are written in the tape. This machine has the ability to move one cell to the left or the right any time during operations. This teory was made by Alan Turing in 1936 while he was working in the decision problem.
Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

Turing-Machine in a V Neuman architectur

Turing-Machine / V Neuman architectur

Hello, today I'm going to talk a lot of computers. The other day in my class we saw some videos about how Turing-Machines work. We need to relate those videos and than take out concepts an information from them. With this information I will do a Mind map with the app of Mindomo about Turing machines structures as building blocks for the V. Neuman architecture and embed in the post. And then I will fully with text and images the main question, that is: Can you find a couple of Turing-machine-like structures in a V. Neumann architecture?

Well, here is my Mind map.

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

Can you find a couple of Turing-machine-like structures in a V. Neumann architecture? 


Here we can see two images, the first one is a Turing-Machine and the second one a V. Neuman architecture. Both systems have instructions to follow. The Turing-Machine has a long tape with 0 and 1. The V Neuman architecture  has a CPU. So we can say that both have coded forms, but they are different.

Turing machines in a V neumann architecture

Hi, last time in my informatic class we were talking about, how does a computer machine works, so here I explain it very completly and easy: A turing machine is simply a "little box" that is over a tape which is divided into ones and zeros in an irregular order looking at one square at the time. Receives an instruction or an information from the user. This box has a little programm book that has the information, and tells him what to do. Like on the tape it has to change the number which is looking at the moment or just leave it and move to another square on the tape. And that´s how the machine does for answer the question that we did.
This is the theory made by Allan Turing in 1936.

Turing machines as concept block

Turing machine and CPU

A turing machine is a concept, this concept is for a "machine" that could change the information by changing bits (0-1), these are simultaneously in squares. For example you have the word "computer" except that you didn't want to write computer you wanted to write "happy". the word computer has this order of bits 11011100 and happy has this order of bits 00110101, what the turing machine does is that change the bits in order to have what you want. CPU or Central Processing Unit is a component  that send commands from the computer to hardware and software. CPU is in all sorts of devices like: laptop, tablet, smart phones, etc. Than What's the relation between cpu and turing machine? The Cpu is the brain of the turing machine.

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Banners for selected concepts

Banners and Concepts

Banners and concepts

                                    Banners and concepts

anouk held 4D video

    Hey, last week we saw a video of Michio Kaku, an american theoretical physycist. The topic of the video was '' How to programm a Quantum Computer''. But not only about this, he also talks about other topics of technology. It was a little complicated to understand, because of the vocabulary
of informatics he uses. To understand it properñy, we had to watch it many times. In it we found four main concepts that we want to explain: Computer architecture, Quantum Computing, Moor's Laws and Turing Machine.

Banner and Concepts



Concepts and Banners

Banner Concepts.

Banners for selected concepts - Juan Pablo Bernal Calafell

Banners for selected concepts