Friday, October 20, 2017

Dream and Design

                              Author´s Names: Camila MorĂ³n and Vivian Bethke

Design and Dream

Dream %2F Design.jpg Author’s names: Caffarelli and Echeverria

Dream and Design

Hi there! We are Nico and Tobi, and we are here to talk a little bit about our lasts Informatics classes.  We learned about "Crypto" which is a nickname for "Cryptography".If you don't know what Cryptography is, I can explain it to you. Cryptography is a way to cipher messages for keeping messages safe and also computer sttings. First we did a post talking about how we learned and what we learned but this time we will talk about some questions that we had even when we had already understood  the theme "Crypto" and we thought you might have them too so we made an interview using a program called "Audacity" to make it more interactive. 
 Dream %2F Design.jpg
These are the questions we made:

And this is the audio we made using Soundcloud:

Dream and design

Author´s names: Ramirez and Danguise

Hello there! Last classes we have been working with a game in Khan Academy. To play this game, first you have to know concepts like cryptography and Caesar cipher.  Last class we did an interview answering some interesting questions about this topics. We did 3 questions based on stage 4, 5 and 6. To do this interview we worked on Vocaroo and then we edited the audio in Audacity. Vocaroo is a web page where you can only recorded things and Audacity is an application where you can recorded things and edited, like adding music or low the volum for example. Then we have to upload the interview to soundcloud so you can hear it. Well let´s hear the interview


Here we leave you a youtube video about cryptograpgy:

Dream and Design

Author's name: Holze and Gutierrez

Design and Dream

Authors: Sol Guaita and Sophia Kahn 

 Here, we open up the heart and mind to the possipilities and visions of a solution the way we wish to see it.

 The phase is all about imagination, extrapolation and visualization. 

 This is basically the workshopping phase. Here the ctual mechanics of your solution being to take shape. It involves techniques that allow us to get the solution " on paper''.

Hello! Last classes my partner Sol and I have been working on Cryptography. This is the art of writing a solving codes. Today I´m going to show you an audacity file. It is an interview to know how much me learnt about it and to explain you some important things of Cryptography. There are 3 Questions based on stages 4, 5 and 6 from the Blooms Questions.

Click here to hear the Interview !

Dream and Design

  Author's names: Hecker and Corrente

LaLast classes we have been working on cryptography. This is the art of writting and solving codes. To practicepate and make this funnier we have made a challenge on Khan Academy called "Cryptography Challenge 101"This challenge is for all ages, it does not assume you have any specialized knowledge. The game starts with a short but catcher story about a mystery bag founded near the streets with important information, so we decided to solve this mystery case. It builds off the ideas presented in Ancient Cryptography. We had to solve four clues written in a secret code using the tools Khan Academy gave to us. This time we have focused on dream and design skills.


Click here to hear the interview

Inteview 3term Mey- Held

Authors Name: Mey and Held

Dream & Design by Fede Balberde & Marcos Cunille

As we said in the last post, last weeks we´ve been working with Khan Academy in a specific topic: Cryptography. In our last post we explained all the problems we had to solve the clues, and we also shared some concepts to make you understand everything in a much easier way. This time, to make it more enjoyable, we recorded an interview speaking about some important things about cryptography. If the interview is difficult for you to understand, we will leave you here some concepts that are mentioned in the interview. We hope you like this interview and learn some things about cryptography.

Here you have the link of the interview, which we uploaded in Soundcloud

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Design and Dream!

                                              Author's Names: Rodillo and Muller.

''Dream and Design'' by Juan Pablo and Calvin Steel

Authors names: Calvin Steel and Juan Pablo Bernal

                                                Author's name: Behrens , Diharce and Gonzalez


Hi everyone! The last classes of nticx we have been working on the main topic " Cryptography". Cryptography is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those who undersand  it can read and process it. The first post of this term was also about cryptography but we explained concepts like Caesar cipher, encrypted message and clue,we took this concepts from the game that we played on Khan Accademy. In this post we are going to show an interview where jeronimo Behrens is the reporter and Zoe Gonzalez is the expert in Cryptography and will answer all the questions about the subjects: cypher and letter frecuency.
