Tuesday, June 20, 2017

The hour of code

In the last days we have been working with a new program for us
called Khan Academy. Our task was to complete "The hour of code" in Khan Academy. There we have learned how to draw some objects with codes applying new concepts. We have used a talk-through, which is like a video but more interactive. We have also done step-by-step challenges to practice newly learned concepts and finally we have worked on a project where we could get more practice and be more creative with the skills we have learned. 

In the "Hour of Code" there are a few videos to help. This one is the welcome video to the "Hour of Code". Pamela, the girl talking in the videos tells us a basic idea of what you can do with codes.

The first number controlls how far the ellipse of the right and left side of the screen is, the second number controlls the height positioning which the ellipse appears on the screen, the third number means how wide or thin the ellipse is and the fourth and last number means how short or long the ellipse is.

The first challenge was to make a simple snowman. By this excercise we have only used a shape called ellipse. We have written three times ellipse to make three circles and then written the number for the position of them. As you can see on the top of the board there is a text. This text helps step-by-step during the excercise. 

After some other challenges, help videos and tips we had to choose a project. We have chosen the super snowman. This was the most complicated but also exciting excercise. Here we have used a lot of shapes and codes like triangle(for the nose), fill(every time we want to change color), line(for the hands), background and rect(for the hat).

Energy points and badges

The energy points and badges are the rewards you get every time you finish a excercise, challenge or video. We have 8900 energy points earned and 6 badges.

By: Bruno Hecker and Justo Corrente.

The hour of code

The last week in Informatics we learnt how to use a website called Khan Academy, in this website you can learn all about the subject you want. We chose to star a lesson in Khan academy about how to use codes to draw in the Computer, There are different steps on Khan Academy where you must complete the exercises to win points and go to the next level. It gets harder every time you achieve to complete a level. To learn about your subject you have videos, text explanations and some exercises, and if you complete the you win aproximatly 1000 points.

Here you can see the progress between the start and now,it´s an example of the difference between the start and now:

In Khan Academy in the first  video they teach you  about how to create circles, traingles, or how to add color to your creation, in this video the woman explains how to use this Tools by making a face, for example, how to do the background, floor and add accesories to your drawing. In the firsts proyects it gives an example of which numbers like the ones that are in the next picture for making bigger, smaller ,wider or more narrow.

Every time you complete an exercise before going to the next step it says you win points as i say before down here it´s an example of how this person is now in a level where the icon , which is like a dragon have grown up, at first it is like a circle :

This video is the introduction video of Khan Academy where you learn the first steps for drawing with codes:

And the last video teach you what is about it anf how to use it:

The hour of code - Drawing with code


Last week we have been working on this page called Khan Academy. We can select the subject that we want to know more about, like maths or language. We had worked on the project called The hour of code. On these site we need to work on some challenges, watch some videos and do three projects.

Khan Academy is a non-profit] educational organization created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan with a goal of creating an accessible place for people to be educated.The organization produces short lectures in the form of YouTube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and tools for educators. All resources are available to users of the website. The website and its content are provided mainly in English, but are also available in other languages like SpanishPortugueseTurkishFrenchBangla and Hindi.

This is a photo of the logo of Khan Academy:

This picture shows the list of activities with the time of code:

One of the videos that we watched taught us how to create circles, rectangles, triangles and lines. Each shape has its own code. For exaple, if I want to do a rectangle I must write the word rect. I must also open brackets and write four numbers that correspond to x, y, width and hight. Next to these numbers you must type " ;". Here is an example.

Resultado de imagen para snowman khan academy

In order to create my snowman I had to watch some videos before I began. The video explained how to do shapes such as circles which was the principal way to draw a snowman. The video also taught us how to color the background and the inside of the shapes. Thanks to the videos, I found it very easy to create my own super snowman.

In this photo, you see one of the projects we did last week with khan academy. It was a project in which you have to draw yourself. For each part of the face that you do you need different codes. The codes that we use are in the left side and the result on the right. Were the codes are, it says words like ellipse, fill, rect, that make the form that you want for example a circle.

Here is a video explaining The Hour of Code:

Julieta Muller and Anouk Held

The hour of code

This days we have been working with a new computer program, who's is call Khan academy. The main goal was to paint a draw, for example a snowman, using codes. Every day we have to follow different steps to know how to use this program. Every time we finish a step, we revived points and at the end of the week, we were able to see how many points did we make.  We found this program really interesting and funny, it is also very important to know how this works. Here we have the examples of what we have done this past weeks. 

  • In Khan Academy we had to make different challenges, which are exercises that you have to complete to earn points. We started with a simple snowman and the ellipse command was the only one we used, because as the name says it is simple.  The first number is X: it moves the circle to from left to right or from right to left. The second number is Y: it moves from up to down and from down to up. The third number is in charge of the width and the fourth number is in charge of the height. 

  • Another thing that we did was the use of colors. We fill with the circles and paint the background. To fill, we used the Fill command and then we chose the color that we wanted. For the background you only need to write the background command and then choose the color.  This command should be in the first line, because otherwise you will cover all your work. To paint the ground you must write the fill command too, but instead of using an ellipse you use a rect. 
  • There are badges, which are different prices you get, as you achieve things. Meteorite badges are common and easy to earn when just getting started. Black Hole badges are legendary and unknown. They are the rarest Khan Academy awards.Sun badges are epic. Earning them is a true challenge, and they require impressive dedication. Earth badges are rare. They require a significant amount of learning. Moon badges are uncommon and represent an investment in learning. Meteorite badges are common and easy to earn when just getting started.

You earn points doing the exercises and watching videos from Khan Academy

Here is a introduction video to the Hour Code (Khan Academy): 

We chose a Project which is the Super Snowman :

                          We hope you enjoyed this Topic !                            Sol Guaita and Sophia Kahn 

The Hour of Code

Last Month we have been working with Khan Academy. Khan Academy is an educational organization created by Salman Khan in 2006. Khan Academy can teach you many subjects like Maths, Science, Economy and Computing. 
In our case, we used it to learn how to draw things with codes. We used the codes to draw a lot of shapes, like circles, triangles and lines. With this shapes we could draw figures, like a snowman, a wild animal or make a self portrait.
In this post we will explain how we worked with codes to draw things, and we will try how Khan Academy works.

Here is a example of a Draw with  Codes.

Now we will learn how to draw a snowman using codes.
First, we will draw the background, for that, we need to write "Background", and a parenthesis, like this:

The next thing we will do is draw the sun. For that, we need to use a "ellipse". For drawing the snowman, we need more "ellipses", and also "rects and lines", for the eyes. And "Arcs" for the smiles.  

Also we are going to do a Scarf. For that, we need a "Bezier".

For the colors we are going to use "fill". With the code "fill" we can fill the ellipse, rect, etc, with the colours thet we want.

And thats all that we can explain of the "Hour of Code". Here we leave a example of a Draw with Codes and a Tutorial, that will help you, if you need more info, about the codes.

 Example of a Draw with codes.

A simple Tutorial.

A longer, and with more info, Tutorial.

Federico Balberde and Nicolas Block.

The hour of code

This post is made in order to tell you what we were doing in our computer classes. We were working with a program called Khan academy. This program teaches you to make graphs and drawings. It is more often used to draw rather than to do graphs.
Our teacher gave us a list, in which it was showned how to work with Khan academy. There were not only texts but also videos. What is more, there were some activities, in which we needed to draw a Snowman. However, this post is going to inform you about what we have been doing this last week. 

The list with the activities

The following image is the logo of the academy: 

Khan Academy`s quote: 

Do you not know how to use the Khan Academy? Do not worry! Here I recomend you the following video!

This is the activity our teacher told us to do:

In these two images show you our finished work. The image is separated into two parts, on the one hand shows the drawings and on the other side shows the codes that we use to create the snowman and the portrait. The codes that we used are in the left side, and the result (image), on the right. When you finish your work you update it. They give words like ellipse, fill, line, rect etc, that make the form that you want.

Here I leave you the link of the Khan academy page, so that you can visit it: https://es.khanacademy.org/computing/hour-of-code/hour-of-drawing-code

Marina Mey and Olivia Holze.

The hour of code

Hello, for some weeks we have been working in class with Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a webside where you can draw, write or do what ever you want. In Khan Academy we have to do some exercises. We have to search the hour of code and then we have to do the exercises. This exercises were about drawing with code. The first exercises told us how to draw with code and then we have to put it in practice. For example the last exercise you can choose if you want to draw a snowman or a self-portrait or a wild animal. I choose the snowman. 

Here is a picture of the logo from Khan Academy.

And here are some pictures about the exercises that we have to do.

This is the first exercise from Khan Academy. We have to see a video that explain us how to use it.

Here is the first draw we did with code.

This is a draw of a snowman very simple because it is the first draw with code that we did. This snowman have just three codes. For drawing with code you have to put first a command. In this case we use ellipse because this command do a circles and we need to do three cirles for the snowman, so we used the command ellipse this time. Ellipse isn't the only copmmand that Khan Academy have. Here is a picture from another commands.

Here is a picture of the second draw that we did.

 This draw is a little bit more elaborated because it has arms and floor. But still it doesn't look like complet. That's why we did two drwas.

Here is the third draw.

This draw is more complet. It has colours, so that makes the draw more beatifull. It is not that difficult that it seems. You just have to put for the colour blue the command background and for the colours yellow and geen you just have to put the command fill. If you don't understand you can see how to do it in the picture.

And here is the last exercise that we did.

This is the last and more complete draw that we did. This draw has a snowman with eyes, mouth, nose. a galley and a T-Shirt. Also the draw has the sun and floor and every thing have colour.Well this was our last draw with code in Khan Academy. 

Here we will leave a video that explain how to draw with code.

Agustin Ramirez Calvo and Agustin Danguise.

The hour of code

The last week in Informatics we learnt how to use a website called Khan Academy, in this website you can learn all about the subject you want. We chose to star a lesson in Khan academy about how to use codes to draw in the Computer, There are different steps on Khan Academy where you must complete the exercises to win points and go to the next level. It gets harder every time you achieve to complete a level. To learn about your subject you have videos, text explanations and some exercises, and if you complete the you win aproximatly 1000 points.

The logo of Khan Academy:

The first thing we learned in “the hour of code” is how to draw circles. We saw a video in which a girl taught us to use a specific codes to draw a round face. To do that you first have to write ellipse and in () you write some numbers which describe the exact position where the circle will be. She also showed us how to draw a rectangle by using rect(). As we got better we learned other codes for forms like to draw a line or a triangle.

Here is an image of some figures and its codes to draw them:

When we finnished practsing and learning to draw using codes, we had to choose between three different proyects to test our knowledge about the subject: a self potrait, a snowman or a wild animal. I chose the wild animal and I drew a piguin. In the prosses i lernad how to add colors to my drawing. To do that we use the comand fill() and that select a color.

Here is an example of the project of a snowman that my partner andI did:

Every time you complete a challenge you earn points and badges. Some badges I won are: challenger, programing scholar and tinkerer. I also won some “challenge patches”, these are special awards for completing topic challenges. Of this patches I won: the JS: Coloring, JS: Drawing, Hour of Drawing with Code Blocks and the Hour of Drawing with Code.