A few weeks ago we started a project using an app called Kahn Academy. This app helps students in school in a fun and easy way. This app helps you from learning maths to draw with codes. In our case we used this app in the informatic class, to learn how to draw with codes. We have been working with the project: "the hour of code", who has some videos that explains you how to draw with codes. Then there are some exercises you must complete to get to the next task and win points. This points are used to decorate your profile. Now we are going to explain you how we did this...
This is the project that we used on khan academy to learn how to draw with codes. This is very simple: the first excercise is the intro of it. You just need to see the video beacuse there explains everything for starting with the project.There are more videos but if you don`t want to see them it´s not necesary. Underneath the video there yo have 3 options you just have to click in documentation and all the tools you need are there. It´s more advisable to see the videos and then use this option to remind how it works.
The first exercise was to create a simple snowman using the code ellipse. With ellipse you create an circle but the circle needs his commands so it means that the first number on the left is X, than Y, than W, than H. X and Y are to see were does the ellipse apear X= right or left, Y=up or down. W and H are comands for the tipe W= wide, H= Height.It seemd to be and easy task but the order of the ellipses had to be from the bottom to the top. So if you did it the wrong way you´ll have to start again.
The next task was to make the snowman salute. Using the code rect and the code line. Rect means scuare. In this picture we used two different lines and a scuare to make the floor. Both codes were really difficult to use but at the end it seems that the snowman is getting better. At the end of the exercise we recived points, these points are to edit your profile. For example the icon you chose at the very first start can evolve by getting more points. An other thing we use was colors. The codes were background and fill , fill is for the figures we created. The next task was to fill the figures with colors making it look like a snowman in summer. In compare to the other tasks this was easy. The last task was a multiple choice. You had to choose between 3 different projekts. An animal, a self portrait and a advanced snowman.
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