What am I talking about?
Drawing with code, it's a very elaborated way to draw and create the things that you want in the computer, for example, if you want to create an animal, a landscape, an instrument or anything that comes to your brain, you just have to write some codes and adjust them, and it's done!It is amazing!
It's not really that easy, but the tool we use to handle us and to get the drawings that we want, which is called "KHAN ACADEMY" makes it so much easier!
Khan academy is a website in which there are a lot of guides that help you elaborate and informate you about different topics related to lots of things that you can do with a computer.
Last sessions in class, we have been working in one specific guide on this website, to learn how to draw with code.
First they teached us how to draw specifically with one code called "ellipse", which has four numbers between a pair of brackets.
The first number controlls how far the ellipse of the right and left side of the screen is, the second number controlls the height position in which the ellipse appears on the screen, the third number means how wide or thin the ellipse is and the fourth and last number means how short or long the ellipse is.
And with all this tools we managed to create a face!
You can change the numbers in brackets depending on what you want to do, it's a very creative way of learning!

Later, following the same steps as in the previous activity, the face, we managed to create a snowman with the ellipse codes, while we still getting more comfortable with the meaning of every number!

Then we learned how to colour our drawing using some codes like fill, which you have to put everytime you wish to change the colour of anything that you are drawing, for example, a snowman.
If you look at the picture, you will see that everytime before the ellipses of the snowman and the sun, the code fill appears, unless in the background, which you select directly.
Now our drawing looks nice!

We could draw an super snowman, or any animal (existant or not) or an self-portrait of ourselves.
I choose the option of drawing an super snowman because I found funny the idea of making better what I had already done.
And with this done, we finished our guide of drawing with code!
It wasn't easy, but at the end it worked great!
I'm leaving you a video here, which explains some parts of what we were doing in the last sessions, about how to draw what you want using the code "ellipse".
I hope you have enjoyed my post and that you have learned something from it!Thanks a lot!
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