Author's name: Behrens , Diharce and Gonzalez
Hi there! The last classes of nticx we have been working on the main topic " Cryptography". That is why we started playing a really interesting game. The game consists in solving some clues and find the solution to the problem. Cryptography and the game are connected because for solving many of the clues you have to decode a encrypted note for example. That is how you will find the solutions to each clue , there are different codes you have to learn. We are allowed to play the game in teams of two or three members like mine. The dinamic of this game really opens your mind. Here we will tell you which ways we used to solve the clues.
Clue 1:
The problem here is that the note is written with a code. Also the letters weren't so clear , for example It's very difficult to separate the n's from the h's. There are no dots or comas , so we It's not easy to separate the sentences and words. And there are two notes with two different codes, so if you solve the firs , It doesn't mean you have already the two solved.
To solve this problem we watched a video that explained how the Ceasar Cipher worked. This was the code in which the two letters were written. Also to make faster the process we used a programm called Ceasar Cipher simulator.

Clue 2 :
The problem is again that the message is written in a code , but different to the one of the first clue.
To solve this problem we need to find the key word, and change every letter of the key word for a number in each letter. The numbers must be in the same order, It doesn't matter how short or long the word is.

Clue 3 :
The problem here is that the message that you found in the train rails is written in numbers instead of letters like the first 2 clues. This new different code hasn´t dots or comas , so you also have to guess the separation of the words and sentences. And the most important part about this clue is that is not complete , a part of the paper is broken and that broken piece is the other part of the clue that is left.
To solve the problem we need to watch a video about visual telegraphs to help us solve the message. The video explains how people communicated through the ages with visual signals. Like the greeks that used fire to send quick messages. And later people started messages without the danger of the enemy knowing what that message meant. In the video they show you how every letter has a sequence of numbers which helps you to figure out the note.

Here is a video about Caesar Cipher:
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