Friday, September 29, 2017

Discover and Define

Hi there, the last classes we have been working on Khan academy. There was a game that consisted in solving a mystery with some clues. Now we are going to tell you only wich problem has each clue and how to solve them.

 Author´s names : Kuhlke and Block

Clue #1 

These concepts were usefull:
 -Restating/rephrasing the problem
-Considering mutiple perspective
-Skinning, scanning, scouring data from the backround

Rephrasing the problem gives us a better chance to look after of what we can´t understand about it. In the ciphering a partner discovered that some words were divided or even 2 words were united if it wasn´t of him i coudn´t advance much further. In the ciphering the leter we had to use to replace a was x in this case. This was so because x is the 25 letter of the alfabet and the room were the main character was had the number 250. If you count from letter a to the letter 250 it will be x.

Clue #2

-Taking smart notes
-Chalenging assumptions
-Locating information

Taking notes made easier the decrypt to order the letters and bulid the word.

Clue #3

-Researching and gathering facts
-Reversing the problem
-Taking smart notes

Gathering the fact that the person that the character is following is always using different encrypted messages in every paper, making him really difficult to follow. Thinking that the problem of the problem we are after is to get catch we may think different to look after real important information.This kind of encrypted message is different in many ways to the others that in this case we may need a paper to take down notes and stuff.

Clue #4

-Considering multiple perspective
-Locating information 
-Skimming,scanning,scouring data from the background

Considering a mates information it can take you closer to the solution and even your mate put you in the right way to the solution.  Watching the video helped me to understand which  kind of encryption we are working with considering the many we have seen before. The background information is very useful to see secret messages hidden or the key to solve the problem itself but we have to be very carefully with the other ones that have not to do anything with it. 

Thank You. Nico Block and Tobi Kuhlke

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