Saturday, May 6, 2017

It's been a while! Today's post topic is: What Turing-machine structures can we find in a V Neumann architecture?... Yeah, complicated right? So to find these structures in other things, we got to know first what this is about. So what is a Turing machine? No wonder the creator of this machine was called Alan Turing, he had a Entscheidungsproblem or Decisions Problem. (A desitions problem is a validity of propositions, like when I say: "It rains when its raining" its a TRUE concept. Though when I say : "It rains when its not raining" its a FALSE statement). So Turings Desitions problem was based on the question "What is computable"? The computer he created is an abstract and mathematical object, that can describe infinetly operations.

 This is how a turing machine basicaly works: First, you give an input, that is coded in a tape with 1 and 0. There is a little box, called writing head, that reads this code cell by cell and modifies or overreads the number in it, following some specific instructions. This box is in  a spesific state when reading the tape. For example this rules say: " If you are in state 45 and there is a 1 in it, erase it and write a 0, then move to the left and move in state 66."

Now, the Von Neumann architecture is a set of rules that the CPU follows. To understand it better here I have a mindmap that might help.

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

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