- Hi , my name is Zoe and I'm going to write about an Information classwork. In this classwork we worked with the question:"¿ What is a Computer?" and we had to explain It.
- For doing a mindmap I used an app called Mindomo , wich is very effective for doing this kind of excercises. Also it is very easy to manage you can create mind maps about a specific theme and then select the topics, subtopics and insert a relationship between them.It is easy to create and share mind maps, concept maps, task maps and outlines,mindmapping software for Web, Desktop, iOS and Android.

- This is my mindmap about "¿ What is a Computer?"
For today´s people is very normal to know about computers excistence. Basic everyone has used a computer before or at least they know what is It. So in this case by answering the question ¨What is a Computer?¨, our teacher recomended us to think divergently. This means we have to not only search for the basic information like the definition of the word , but to get outside the box and make a brainstorm of ideas. When you only search for the basic information , you are thinking convergently. The best way of thinking is when you begin thinking convergently and then jump to the divergent thinking.
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