Monday, May 22, 2017

Turing Machine - V Neumann Architecture

The last class we saw 2 videos about Turing Machines and V Neumann Architecture. 

A Turing machine is a theoretical machine that manipulates symbols on a tape strip, based on a table of rules. It can be tailored to replicate the logic associated with any computer algorithm.
 It is also particularly useful for describing the  functions within a computer.


 It is intended as a hypothetical machine that represents a computing machine.The Turing machine can help computer scientists comprehend the boundaries of mechanical computation.


Turing machines mathematically model a device that mechanically runs using a tape. This tape includes symbols, which the machine can write and read, one after the other, with the help of a tape head.

Today I did a Mindmap wich explains :

Here is the link of the Mindmap:

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